FB reminded me of this photo of our daughter when she was just 4 years old and I couldn’t stop from grinning the moment I saw the picture.
My heart melts whenever I see the kids’ childhood photos and see how much they are in their element. As a young child, our daughter loved to sing and dance. She still sings, yet the dancing not as much.
Yet this photo captured a moment of bliss. A moment of savoring that I wish I can remember in times when tension engulfs me.
What is savoring?
In Filipino, we use the term “ninanamnam”, to enjoy something. I often tell my kids to slow down while eating and to “namnamin” (savor) the moment of eating rather than “gorging” through their food.
Savoring in this context is a softening and slowing down practice.
When you are savoring…
It’s finding the tenderness in whatever you are doing.
It’s relishing the moment.
It’s deep noticing.
It’s putting one’s awareness on the different parts that make the experience whole.
It’s taking the time and deliberately slowing.
It’s intentionally immersing one’s self to the experience.
It’s keeping focus and synergy.
It’s placing what is essential in a prominent field.
It’s tracking every experience and how it feels in one’s body.
It’s softening the edges.
It’s enjoyment in what excites our senses.
It’s letting flow in.
It’s acknowledging what is happening.
It’s honoring what is unfolding.
Savoring is such a deep practice of being in the moment.
“Sometimes in life we need to sit with things for a minute, maybe on the fringe of things, not only to savor the wealth of the moment, but take a moment to figure out how to respectfully engage it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough, The Eighth Page: A Christmas Journey
I love this quote on savoring.
More than just enjoying the abundance of what the moment is giving, savoring allows us to reflect on how to truly be immersed in the moment.
Savoring is the “respectful engagement” of life, in life, with life.
Given that it’s almost year end, one of the savoring practices that I do is reflecting on the year and what it brought me and my love ones. Reflecting on this year’s happenings allow for me to reminisce and savor the memorable experiences of the year. It helps me to harvest and to decompose - harvest learnings, decompose and let go of what is not serving.
For those who are inclined to reflect on your year-end, here are some questions you can take the time to ponder on. My invitation is to let each question engulf you and keep you in that state of blissful knowing and enjoyment.
Savor the memories it might stir in you. Keep attuned to the moment. It might be that what surfaces for you are the painful experiences. Honor and acknowledge the grief, sorrow, anger, pain, frustrations, disappointments and all the gamut of emotions that may seem unbearable to hold. As painful memories arise, connect with that deeper layer of why it elicits pain. They point you to the direction of your yearnings, to what or who you value. All of these emotions are part of what engaging in life is all about.
Here are 60 reflection prompts for you to savor and reflect what 2023 has given you:
Who do you celebrate?
Who did you shower with care and attention?
Who kept you grounded?
Who did you help/support?
Who did you turn to for inspiration/advice?
Who did you spend the most time and energy?
Who left a lasting impression?
Who did you have to let go?
Who did you forgive?
Who did you learn from?
Who played a big role in your happiness?
Who honored your boundaries?
Who crossed your boundaries?
Who did you advocate for?
Who has inspired you?
Who did you collaborate with?
Who did you miss?
Who did you grieve for?
Who encouraged you out of your comfort zone?
What do you celebrate?
What piqued your interest/curiosity/excitement?
What was your most memorable experience?
What new things did you learn?
What mindsets did you shift?
What got you out of your comfort zone?
What did you persevere on?
What did you pivot or pause?
What kept you awake?
What are you most proud of?
What got you deflated?
What brought you epic joy?
What did you unlearn?
What did you say “no” or “yes” to?
What has deeply moved you?
What was the best use of your time, energy and attention?
What do you regret?
What has been helpful in your relationships?
What helped you be in flow?
How did you embrace emergence?
How did you navigate change?
How has this year impacted you?
How are you different now than a year ago?
How can you describe this year in one sentence?
How congruent were you with your values?
How did your relationships evolve?
How did you invite fun and play?
How did you fail forward?
How did you show up in your fullness?
How did you take care of yourself and others?
How did you savor the opportunities presented to you?
How did you amplify your strengths?
How did you embrace being in community?
How did you embody your convictions?
How did you soften?
How did you contribute to the flourishing of other people/planet?
How were you held/supported?
How did you navigate disappointments, anger, or tension?
How did you make this year meaningful?
If you want to download these questions, you can download them here .
P.S. Let me know how these reflection prompts contributed to your savoring of 2023! Words of affirmation are my love language. Hearing from you encourages my fervour in my work, it nourishes my soul, and reaffirms my conviction to “be the pebble” and continue stirring ripples.
Hiraya manawari,